

We continually evolve our brand


year later, B2COAT presents its new “digital home”: a renewed, updated, more informative website, with new features and a more intuitive navigation.

The new website is another step in the constant improvement and evolution of our brand communication with our customers and partners.
As of today, you can access all B2COAT contents quickly and intuitively, as well as check all the solutions we offer to the PVD Coating sector.
From information about the brand and the services provided, to a brief explanation of what PVD coating technology is and the visualization of a vast portfolio, on the new B2COAT website you will find everything you need without much effort.
If you are not satisfied with what is presented, we suggest downloading our Institutional Brochure and, in cases that require more information, we have a simple and quick contact form.
This website was designed and developed with you in mind, so enjoy your digital visit.